RMS Architecture
With the continuous monitoring system RMS Rotronic meets the requirements of "IoT" and "M2M".
Internet of Things (IoT) and machine to machine (M2M) communication are main factors in the design principles of Industry 4.0 that was introduced in 2011 at the Hannover Fair in Germany. The design principle is interoperability, where sensors, devices, machines and people can connect and communicate.
An IoT ecosystem is built up with sensors, that transmit data via a gateway to the Internet. The data is then stored in a certified datacentre. With software, the data is then analysed and again via the Internet, the analysed data can be sent out to remote devices.
This leads to another design principle which is decentralised decision making. From the remote devices and analytics, decisions can be made and commands can be sent, once again via Internet to the IoT devices. The remote devices allow for a third design principle: technical assistance. Services can be carried out directly from the results of the measurement devices.
Download RMS Data Flow Diagram