Webinars On Demand - Humidity & cGMP Mapping

Rotronic presents the definitive humidity measurement webinar series created to help you make a more reliable, repeatable and accurate measurement of humidity.

CO2 Measurement Technology & Applications

Learn the basic theory behind carbon dioxide measurement, how the most common technology works, and look at a few practical applications.

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CO2 Measurement Technology and Applications

How to Read a Psychrometric Chart

Learn how to read and use a psychrometric chart to gain a better understanding of humidity. Better understanding leads to a more reliable measurement. Topics covered include: How to read the chart - practicum; 2 practical examples of using the chart; Live Q & A

Download the slide deck:
How to Read a Psychrometric Chart

Water Activity, The Basics

In this webinar, you'll learn the basics of the parameter called Water Activity. Water activity is a common measurement used to ensure the viability and quality of perishable products such as foods, grains, seeds and pharmaceutical products. The agenda includes answers to these questions: 

  • What is water activity?
  • How does water activity relate to moisture content?
  • Why should you measure it?
  • How to measure water activity?  

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How to choose a best fit instrument

How to Choose a Best-fit Humidity Instrument

In this webinar, we'll focus on 9 things to consider when choosing a best-fit humidity instrument. By attending this webinar, you'll learn what questions to ask and how the answers will guide you to choosing the best hygrometer for your application.

9 Issues to Consider

  1. Measurement Objective 
  2. Measurement Environment 
  3. Required Performance 
  4. Measurement Parameter 
  5. Measurement Reporting 
  6. Instrument Utilization 
  7. Logistical Restrictions 
  8. Pricing 
  9. Manufacturer

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How to choose a best fit instrument

Humidity Measurement Technology Pros & Cons

In this webinar, we'll focus on the pros and cons of the main technologies used to quantify water vapor or humidity. By attending this webinar, you'll know which technology is best for your application. Topics covered include:

  • Parameter review 
  • Mechanical technology 
  • Psychrometers 
  • Capacitive sensors 
  • Resistive sensors 
  • Chilled mirror 
  • Metal oxide


Download the slide deck:
Humidity Technology Pros Cons

Humidity Theory, Terms, and Tips

Learn about:

  • Common Humidity Parameters & Measurement Tips
  • Deep Dive - Relative Humidity
  • Temperature effect
  • Pressure effect


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Humidity Theory, Terms and Tips

Dew Point in Compressed Air

Learn about:

  • Definition of Dew Point
  • Pressure Effect
  • ISO Air Classes & Dryers
  • Efficiency with Desiccant Dryers
  • Two Practical Examples

Download the slide deck:
Dew Point in Compressed air

Uncertainty in Humidity Measurement

Learn about:

  • Basic Terms and Definitions
  • Understand the Uncertainty of Your Instrument
  • How to Avoid Out of Tolerance (OOT)
  • Understand Uncertainty on the Calibration Certificate

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Calibration for Humidity Instruments

Calibration for Humidity Instruments

Learn about:

  • Calibration terms & definitions
  • Lab vs Field calibrations
  • RH calibration best practices
  • Traceability
  • Accredited calibrations

Download the slide deck:
Calibration for Humidity Instruments

Humidity - How to Make a Better Measurement

Learn about:

  • Science of Humidity
  • Temperature Effect
  • Pressure Effect
  • Technology influence

By understanding the parameter and the technology, you can make a more reliable, repeatable and accurate measurement.

Download the slide deck:
Humidity - How to Make a Better Measurement

How to Choose an Environmental Monitoring System

This webinar will introduce the questions you should be asking during your process of evaluating and choosing a monitoring system for regulated and controlled environments. Choosing the best fit system depends on your application, infrastructure, and regulatory requirements. We'll explore the complete process from start to finish.

Download the slide deck:
How to choose a monitoring system

How to Map a Warehouse

This webinar will describe the main steps to mapping a warehouse for cGMP and FDA compliance. You will learn about the WHO process overview of the following steps: 

  1. Regulations and Guidance 
  2. Prepare the Protocol 
  3. Conduct the Mapping 
  4. Prepare the Report 
  5. Implementing Recommendations


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Humidity Technology Pros Cons

Humidity Measurement Technology Pros & Cons

By attending this webinar you will learn about the pros and cons of the most common humidity measurement technology.  Different types of technology that will be covered in this webinar include: capacitive, resistive, psychrometers, chilled mirror, metal oxide and mechanical.

Download the slide deck:
Humidity Technology Pros Cons

Humidity Theory and Terms

  • Learn about the basic science behind measuring humidity so that you can make a better measurement. We'll cover the most common parameters used to define water vapor content in gases.
  • Learn how temperature and pressure affect some parameters and not others. Evaluate your application to decide what parameter is best suited to your particular humidity measurement situation.

Download the slide deck:
humidity theory and terms webinar

Dew Point and Compressed Air

Dew point temperature is the main indicator for liquid water in a compressed air system. It the dew point temperature is the same as the temperature of the compressed air, water vapor will condense and you will have water in your compressed air lines. Learn more about dew point and how pressure affects the measurement. Understanding dew point will help you prohibit the formation of liquid water. Topics discussed:

  • Basic definition of dew point temperature
  • Pressure effects on the measurement and the parameter
  • ISO classification and dryer types
  • Desiccant dryers – improved efficiency with dew point switching
  • A practical example of preventing water in air

Download slide deck:
Dew Point and Compressed Air

Traceability – What is it and how to achieve it – It’s not as straight forward a you think.

The majority of regulations (FDA) and quality systems (ISO/IEC 9001, ISO/IEC17025) which reference the requirement of calibration of measurement instruments require traceability of measurements. We often hear the requirement for NIST traceable calibrations.

In this webinar we look at what traceability actually means and what is does not. We will also take a closer look at how traceability is reported on calibration certificates and the key information that is necessary to prove traceability. We’ll cover answers to these common questions:

  • How does traceability affect the measurements that we take?
  • How can I prove traceability of my measurements?
  • How can I ensure that my suppliers are actually providing traceable calibration results?

Download slide deck:
Webinar - Traceability

Interpreting Humidity Instrument Specifications

Selecting the most appropriate instrument for relative humidity measurement is not as simple as comparing the specifications from various manufacturers. The various manufacturers present the data needed to make a determination of overall instrument performance in their own unique format.

  • Learn how to interpret the term “Accuracy”. A specification titled “Accuracy” from one manufacturer may not be comparable to the Accuracy specification from a second manufacturer.
  • Explore the differences in specification methodologies of several manufactures
  • Learn how to apply a methodology that can be used to objectively compare the specified performance of the instruments.

Download slide deck:
Webinar - Interpreting Humidity Instrument Specifications

9 Things to Consider When Choosing a Best-fit Humidity Instrument

Making a better humidity measurement depends largely on choosing the best fit instrument well before you attempt to make your first measurement. Basing your decision on these 9 points will help you zero in on choosing the best instrument for your specific application.

These are the 9 areas we’ll cover in the webinar:

  1. Measurement objective
  2. Measurement environment
  3. Required performance
  4. Measurement parameter
  5. Measurement reporting
  6. Instrument utilization
  7. Logistical restrictions
  8. Pricing
  9. Manufacturer

Download slide deck:
Webinar - 9 Things to Consider When Choosing a Best-fit Humidity Instrument


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