Humidity / Temperature

Fundamental terms of humidity measurement

Water vapor density (absolute humidity)

This is the amount of water vapor (kg) contained per unit volume (m3) of the gas mixture. In a gas mixture the water vapor generates a certain partial pressure that is part of the total barometric gas pressure. The vapor pressure can only rise to its saturation limit, which is determined by the temperature. Thereafter water is given off in liquid form (dew). The maximum pressure is called saturation pressure and is temperature dependent. The temperature dependency is, however, not included in the term of absolute humidity.

Relative humidity

Relative humidity is the relationship between the actual water vapor pressure and the maximum possible water vapor pressure.

%RH = 100xp/ps

%RH: Relative humidity percentage
p: Water vapor pressure in the gas mixture at ambient temperature
ps: Water vapor saturation pressure at ambient temperature

100% RH corresponds to the maximum amount of water vapor a gas mixture can contain at constant pressure and constant temperature. At constant water vapor partial pressure and changing ambient temperature, the water vapor saturation pressure changes and consequently the relative humidity also changes (see water vapor saturation pressure).

To obtain useful measurements of relative humidity, it is extremely important that the measurement probe and measured material have the same temperature.

Equilibrium relative humidity (ERH)

A hygroscopic material always tries to reach humidity equilibrium with the surrounding air. Equilibrium relative humidity is the free water content in a hygroscopic material after equilibrium is reached in an environment with constant relative humidity and temperature.

Humidity equilibrium then prevails when the amount of water absorbed and given off is equal.

Response time of Rotronic sensors 

Rotronic defines the response time of its sensors as the time taken to complete 63% of a step change in humidity levels. The response time becomes greater at low temperatures and low air movement. It also increases when a filter is used as the water vapor is transported through the filter more slowly due to the reduced air flow and the water exchange takes place with slower diffusion of the water molecules.

Psychrometric parameters
Probe use in practice
Pt100 temperature sensors
Accuracy of HC2 probes
What is Humidity? – Humidity Academy

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