Calibration and Adjustment
Even though ROTRONIC instruments have excellent long-term stability, we recommend that probes are calibrated regularly – once a year is normally sufficient. More frequent calibration may however be required if the probes are used in polluted/contaminated environments.
Humidity and temperature measuring instruments are precision instruments that must be serviced regularly to maintain reliability. Measurement errors can result in substantial product damage during production and storage.
If the last time you performed a calibration yourself is a distant memory attend one of our calibration seminars to refresh your knowledge and get some hands-on practice.
What are the calibration options?
Calibration in a ROTRONIC laboratory
- RAG factory adjustment certificate (ISO 9001 standard)
- SCS certificate (Swiss Calibration Service, accredited laboratory ISO/IEC 17025) , US: NIST; UK: UKAS
We come to you
- HygroGen humidity and temperature generator (1 to about 25 calibrations)
- Calibration mobile (more than about 25 calibrations)
You calibrate yourself
- ROTRONIC calibration device and SCS-certified humidity standards
- SCS-certified reference probes (reference measurement)
Which calibration do I need: factory adjustment certificate (ISO) or SCS certificate?
Your process requirements generally determine whether a factory adjustment certificate suffices or whether a SCS certificate is needed. SCS certificates are generally required in the pharmaceutical industry, the medical technology industry, research and development and the food industry. SCS certifications are performed with high precision reference hygrometers and for temperature calibration, an equally high precision temperature bath is used.
The best possible SCS calibration accuracy can only be achieved if all process parameters are controlled and checked at the highest level – SCS certification is therefore only possible in our accredited laboratory (SCS-0065).
A standard traceable adjustment certification can be carried out by you or by our calibration technicians. The following calibration methods are suitable for this:
- HygroGen2 (humidity and temperature generator – Standard and XL models from 0…60 °C and 5…95 %RH as standard; option of -5…60 °C and 2…99 %RH)
- ROTRONIC humidity standards (calibration solutions from 0.5…95 %RH in packs of five ampoules and textile pads with SCS certificate)
We will gladly advise you on the optimal service for you. Contact your local ROTRONIC partner for support.
Calibration hierarchy