The display, storage and transport of valuable artifacts requires close monitoring and control of the environment as one of the worst enemies of art and museum objects is fluctuation in air humidity and temperature.
Rotronic offers reliable solutions and products with long-term stability for measurement and monitoring of relative humidity and temperature in exhibition rooms, display cabinets and storerooms. From single-use loggers for transportation to customized, cloud-based monitoring systems for one or more rooms and locations.
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HygroLog HL-1D ローコストな温度・湿度ロガー
湿度・温度測定用のデータロガーです。コンパクトで信頼性が高く、しかも低価格です。 Learn More -
RMS Museum Starter Kit
Climate and light are both factors that influence the preservation of museum exhibits and archive material as they cause damage by accelerating chemical and biological degradation processes. The RMS Museum Starter Kit is perfect for central monitoring of critical parameters.
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High quality standards in production and storage necessitate a comprehensive monitoring system that delivers measured data reliably. The adaptive RMS Rotronic Monitoring System is the perfect solution for a wide range of applications.
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